Organize your data easily!

Do you have a large number of photos that you have failed to organize?

Are you struggling to find your important data because you don’t know where it is?

DigDoc is the solution to this problem!

Easy to organize

Browse directly to an existing local or shared folder
You don't need any special treatment.

Faster operation

Quickly find and share without building a server.

Easy to start, Powerful organizing features

Powerful organizing features like a search and tag management.

Why DigDoc?

Do you have a large number of photos that you have failed to organize?
Are you struggling to find your important data because you don’t know where it is?

DigDoc is the solution to this problem!

Key Features

A number of powerful features are available to help you organize your data comfortably.

Creating a database is very easy

New Project

Hierarchical tagging

Auto Build Index

Search Items

Ultra-fast operation

Custom Thumbnail

An example of Supported file formats

Many professional file formats are supported

Supports many file formats such as
ai, bmp, dds, eps, exr, hdr, heic, ico, im, jpg, pcx, pdf, ps,
psb, psd, png,ppm, sgi, tga, xbm,cr2, dng, erf, mef, nef,
avi, flv, gif, mov, mp4, mpg,
aac, ac3, aiff, amr, flac, m4a, etc.

Icons made by prettycons from

Let's revolutionize your life!

DigDoc takes the hassle out of data management and allows you to use your abilities for something truly creative.

If you’re interested, try the trial version first!